Artist of the Month
Linda Picken lives in the heart of the Ozarks on 14 acres with a large herd of deer, raccoon, fox, coyotes, ducks, and geese. She has always loved animals and has made a career of painting them by traveling to art shows across the country for over 30 years with her husband Neal. Her original oil paintings and limited-edition prints have helped raise money for conservation organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, Quail Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and the National Elk Foundation. The US Air Force Association honored her by choosing her painting "Majesty" (featuring an eagle) for their anniversary print. Linda has a wide range of work from serious to humorous. Many times she tries to show the interaction of species that would be hard to catch with a camera, like a buck scaring up a pheasant, or dogs on point with the birds portrayed. Her favorite subjects have always been dogs and cats, however and she is currently director of Fabulous Felines NWA, Inc. (a non-profit cat rescue foundation).